Partial History of the Family of Godfrey Weide
by Ray Weide, Great Grandson of Godfrey

Godfrey Weide and his wife Charlotte both born near Hordhausen, Germany in the year 1819, came to America as German immegrants in the year 1855. They stopped at or near Chicago, Illinois where they had relatives until the year 1857 when they came to Kansas in a covered wagon and took up a homestead along Turkey Creek 10-1/2 miles Northwest of Yates Center, Kansas. They lived in a log cabin until the year 1871 when a stone house was built. A stone in the gable of the house was still visible 100 years later with the letters "G.W. 1871" carved on its face. Later with the help of some Russian immegrants, a sod house was built which served as the home of the family until 1884 when a large ten room frame house was built on the home site. Charlotte Weide died in 1871 andwas first buried on a knoll on the bank of the creek. Later her remains were placed with those of her husband who died in 1898 in the Turkey Creek cemetery. The epitaphs on their tombstones is written in German.

Their were four children in the Godfrey Weide family, Charles H, Minnie (Mrs. John Liebau), Frederick and William. Charles Weide married Minnie Opperman who was also a German immigrant and since he was the oldest child in the family he and his wife lived on the home place. During his active life the operations of the farm were expanded until there were twelve hundred acres of farm, pasture, and hay land. There were three large barns, numerous sheds, granaries, and other buildings to provide the shelter and food storage for the large flocks of sheep, cattle herds, and horses needed to create the economic unit of the day.

This the spring of 1908 when Edward, the eldest son of Charles, moved his family to the old home. Edward married Emma Schwindt on October 16, 1900. They had a family of six children Esther (Mrs. Kenneth Carlson), Ray, Lila (Mrs. Denton Randall), Wilber, Hattie (Mrs. Loy Creglow), and Edward. In the fall of 1917 Edward and his family moved to Leona, Kansas and the old familyhome was occupied by August and Lillie Beine until the time that Lillie Beine sold the place to a relative of her husband, in the year 1966. Thus ended the ownership of this one farm by one family of 108 years. In October of 1923 the Edward Weide family moved to Porterville, California. The oldest son, Ray, elected to stay in Kansas and complete his college training at Baker University, later he taught in the school systems of Leona, Hiawatha, and Highland.

Esther Weide Carlson and Kenneth had no children.

Ray Weide married Marjorie McCauley June 11, 1935 and they have one son, Allan, who married the former Carol O'Drowsky.

Wilber Weide Married Grace Fossett and they had one daughter Genevieve Weide.

Lila married Denton Randall and they had two sons, Richard and Howard.

Hattie married Loy Creglow and they have one son Lee.

Edward married Grace Stewart and they had a son Douglas and a daughter Lois.

Updated 8 February 2025