Fall 2021 NE Trip

Day 27 - October 9, 2021
Winnemucca, NV to Home

361 miles.
8,797 miles overall

Finally home. Looking back on the trip with fondness. We will do this type of trip again some day.

Day 26 - October 8, 2021
Evanston, WY to Winnemucca, NV

432 miles

Well, crossing over from Utah into Nevada can only mean one thing. This epic journey is close to it's end. Staying in Winnemucca tonight and driving home tomorrow. So far we have driven 8,436 miles and have seen 28 states. We visited with 25 friends and family (Brian, Kristie. Randy, Sam, Dave, Steve, Sue, Denny, Kim, Robin, Nelson, Dr. Dave, Rose, Sharon, Dom, Doc How, Kurt, Nancy, Jeff, Jan, Vickie, Darrell, Phil, Milt, and Tommy) and played music with most of them. We counted license plates from 49 states (if you know anyone from Delaware, please have them drive somewhere between Winnemucca and Redding tomorrow). We visited five national parks or national recreation areas. Bought one guitar. Mary attended 8 on-line water color painting classes. I played at two open mics. Played music in 3 hotel lobbies. We were rained on, hailed on, saw great sunshiny days, saw the sun set and then rise from the top of Cadillac Mountain in Acadia National Park. We saw 5 or 6 lighthouses (who's counting?). Took hundreds of pictures. Found gravesites of several ancestors (in MT and KS).
And we completed our goal of visiting all 50 states and the District of Columbia. What a blast we have had!

Day 25 - October 7, 2021
Fort Collins, CO to Evanston, WY

378 miles

So we thought we were just on the down hill slide back to home without any more friend visits left. Then Mary posted a picture of the sign at the Continental Divide on I-80 in Wyoming. My nephew Tommy drives truck for UPS and drives from LA to Chicago and back twice each week (trading off with a driving partner). He saw Mary's post and replied that he had just passed that sign. He was about 70 miles behind us! As he was in the truck he figured he would never catch up to us, but we had to stop for lunch and after we did that we were just a little behind him. He had stopped at a truck stop a few miles up the road and we stopped for a quick visit and a picture. How cool is that! Another trip highlight!

Here is where we have been so far (click picture for larger view):

I haven't taken many pictures on this trip, mainly because I have been driving. Mary has been taking tons of pictures. Many of the photos she is taking are inspiration for art projects in the future, either her newly acquired water color skills or for making quilts. When we get back home in a couple days one of my projects is to go through her pictures and get them posted to my SmugMug page. For now here are the pics from today.
Click on the picture for a link to my photos at SmugMug.

Day 24 - October 6, 2021
Burlington, CO to Fort Collins, CO

218 miles

The drive today was uneventful. The highlights were visiting friends in Fort Collins. We had lunch with one of Mary's friends who had moved from Chico, CA to Fort Collins. Then we spent the rest of the day visiting and playing music with TAC friends that I had only met on-line. Thanks to Darrell for letting us invade his home and for inviting others to join us. Thanks to Phil and Milt for coming over to jam. We had so much fun! Unfortunately Amanda was not able to join us.

Click on the picture for a link to my photos at SmugMug. Just pics of our jam session for now. When I have more time, I'll add Mary's

Day 23 - October 5, 2021
El Dorado, KS to Burlington, CO

377 miles.

We stayed off I-70 most of the way from El Dorado, KS to Burlington, CO. Took a side trip to Lucas, KS where they have the Worlds Largest Collection of the Worlds smallest Version of the Worlds Largest Things. We stopped to see this in 2018 on our way to Nashville and they were closed because it was Sunday. Well, when we stopped by today we found out they were closed because it was 2021. Maybe we'll stop here some time in the future and they'll be open. Still some interesting art in this town though. Last time we were here the public restrooms were locked. This time we went in and saw the crazy tile work they have done there. My pictures include the men's room, when I get Mary's pictures posted there will be some of the women's room also.

Otherwise, pretty uneventful day.

Now that we made it to Colorado it feels like we really are making it back to the west.

Click on the picture for a link to my photos at SmugMug. When I have more time, I'll add Mary's

Day 22 - October 4, 2021
Poplar Bluff, MO to El Dorado, KS

555 miles
7,027 miles total so far

We drove from Missouri into Kansas today. Checked out a couple cemeteries and a church in the area of Yates Center, KS where my ancestors lived (starting in 1857 moving from Chicago) after immigrating from Germany in 1855. The old cemetery by the Turkey Creek Church had around 25 grave stones from the Weide family. The cemetery in Yates Center had 53 Weides on their list. I only had time to find about half of them. My Great Grandparents moved from Kansas to California in the 20s with my grandmother (my dad's mom).

Most of our search for cemeteries were on dirt roads. This picture doesn't do it justice, but that's one dusty butt.

Click on the picture for a link to my photos at SmugMug. Today many of them are of gravestones that I need to sort out later to piece together our family tree.

Day 21 - October 3, 2021
Mt. Juliet, TN to Poplar Bluff, MO

291 miles (we've driven 6,572 miles so far)

We have seen license plates from 49 states. Someone must have told everybody in Delaware to stay home this month.

Diverted over to the Land Between the Lakes National Recreation Area. We saw a couple bison along the road. Then we paid $5 to drive through the Elk and Bison viewing area. The elk and bison must have been napping, but we saw some turkeys and a fuzzy caterpillar.

Stayed to some rural highways and then finally divided highway into Poplar Bluff.

Click on the picture for a link to my photos at SmugMug

Day 20 - October 2, 2021
Roanoke, VA to Mt. Juliet, TN

421 miles

We found out that Jeff and Jan were not too far off our planned route. We ended up meeting them in Dandridge for lunch. Another awesome visit with friends from around the country.

On the way we stopped in Bristol (VA and TN) for gas and then drove by the site of the infamous Bristol Recordings that started the whole country music thing (if you haven't seen the Ken Burns documentary "Country Music" I highly recommend it.)

Click on the picture for a link to my photos at SmugMug

Day 19 - October 1, 2021
Allentown, PA to Roanoke, VA

381 miles

We stopped in White Post, VA to see one of Mary's college room mates. She has a beautiful spread of 40 acres with a nice house and barn. Three wonderful horses and four aging cats. We grabbed sandwiches at a deli for lunch and had a very nice visit.

If you are wondering how White Post got its name check out this link.

Click on the picture for a link to my photos at SmugMug

Day 18 - September 30, 2021
Around Allentown, PA

Stayed in Allentown another night to get an oil change in the Mini.

The highlight of the day was meeting Kurt from TAC at the Bowers Hotel for another open mic. Video links:
Kurt - original song The Battle Hymn of the Republic
Kurt - original song The Sun, the Moon, and the Stars
Kurt - original song Pottsville (partial)
Dan doing Clay Pigeons
Nolan - original song Gotta Go
Nolan - original song International Cafe
Nolan - original song I Could Write a Song

Click on the picture for a link to my photos at SmugMug

Day 17 - September 29, 2021
Natick, MA to Allentown, PA

425 miles.

We drove through five states today (MA, RI, CT, NY, and PA). With CT we have now visited all 50 states and DC. That was the goal for our trip. Besides seeing some great parts of the country and visiting with some great people.

We ended up off the highway near Woonsocket, RI looking for a welcome center that probably didn't exist or wasn't open. Then desperately searching for a public restroom. We stopped at a small gas station/market that ended up not having a bathroom. While parked there a woman in an SUV pulled up next to us and complimented Mary's Mini. Turns out she has a Mini and is headed to VT for a weekend Mini run. We mentioned that we were searching for a restroom and she offered to let us use hers, since she only lived a couple miles away. Needless to say, we took her up on her offer and avoided an emergency stop on some highway shoulder. Who says Mini owners aren't family?

From my investigations on I determined that my ancestors on the Randall side settled in RI and CT. The homestead of one of the first Randalls in America had previously been used as a B&B and Restaurant. The new owners are in the process of renovating the buildings. We stopped by where the homestead is, but with COVID and the renovation going on we couldn't get into the property. Maybe on the next visit.
Check out the Facebook page for Randall's Ordinary.

The site of the original Woodstock Music and Arts Fair was not far off our route, so we swung by to check it out.

The highlight of the day was when we attended an open mic at the Baly Hotel near Allentown, PA with several friends who I had only met on-line previously. What a great evening.

Can you tell they had the disco lights going?

Here are the songs I performed that night:
Galway Girl
Clay Pigeons
Spanish Pipe Dream

My pictures are posted on SmugMug. Click the picture below to see them.

Day 16 - September 28, 2021
Bar Harbor, ME to Natick, MA

315 miles.

We hit the road again today traveling from Bar Harbor to Natick, MA. So now just two states left to visit to have all 50 (RI and CT).

We stopped along the way and saw a few lighthouses in Maine: Curtis Island Light; Rockland Breakwater Light; Owls Head Light; and Cape Neddick (Nubble) Light.

We stopped in Bath, ME for another great lunch at J.R. Maxwell's.

It didn't start raining until we left the last lighthouse and stopped raining just before we reached the hotel (it did rain later, though).

My pictures are posted on SmugMug. Click the picture below to see them.

After checking into the hotel I met Robin and her son Nelson at Guitar Center. Robin is a member of Ameteur Acoustic Guitar Players (a facebook group I belong to where members post video performances of songs). I have never met her in person and it was such a treat to visit with her and Nelson and play some music. Another great night!

Here are the videos of what we played that night:
International Cafe
For What It's Worth

Day 15 - September 27, 2021
Bar Harbor, ME and Acadia National Park

Drove up to the top of Cadillac Mountain again today, this time for sunrise.

Then drove over to the Schoodic Peninsula. Some nice views there.

Had a great pizza at The Pickled Wrinkle (been there, got the shirt).

What is a pickled wrinkle you ask?
Mary found this in the interwebs:
Pickled Wrinkles are an old Downeast Maine Delicacy. They are large carnivorous sea snails, or whelks, which are pickled and marketed locally as Pickled Wrinkles. Unlike herbivorous periwinkles, which inhabit tidal zones, wrinkles are larger and inhabit areas below the tide line. Lobster fishermen find wrinkles in traps they haul from the ocean floor. In tough times, wrinkles were relied on to help feed Maine families, and pickling was a great way to preserve the protein packed morsels.

Gassed up and ready to head out in the morning to Natick, MA (just west of Boston).

Finished off the wine we were given by Steve P when we went to Green Bay, yummy! Thanks again Steve! (wine glass provided for free from hotel)

For the pictures I took today, click the picture below. I'll post Mary's here also one of these days when I get time.

Day 14 - September 26, 2021
Bar Harbor, ME and Acadia National Park

It was a treat to not have to pack up everything this morning. Two more nights in the same hotel, yay!

First thing we did today was drive to Jordan's Pond House in Acadia NP for popovers. Mary opted for the popover sundae. Luckily for me she couldn't finish it.

Later we drove around Mount Desert Island, mostly outside Acadia National Park. Saw a neat lighthouse and some nice coastline. Then we drove to the top of Cadillac Mountain for sunset, which was pretty cool. Here is a link to my pictures, I'll post Mary's later (click on photo below).

For dinner we stopped in at C-Ray's. I had a cup of awesome clam chowder and Mary had her first lobster.

Day 13 - September 25, 2021
Augusta, ME to Bar Harbor, ME

134 miles

Even after buying a new guitar in Bozeman, there is still room to see out the back window.

We took more back roads today.

We pulled into a parking spot in Skowhegan to take a picture of the County Courthouse. We were surprised to see a license plate in front of us bearing the motto, "Aloha State." Hawaii! Only two left now in the count the license plate game, and we are sure to get those as we drive through adjacent states to Delaware and West Virginia.

We had lunch in Skowhegan at a great little bakery next to where they were having a farmers market. We also bought a few things at the farmers market, yum.

We arrived at Bar Harbor before the rain started. After we checked into the hotel we drove through Acadia NP to get the lay of the land. It rained off and on, heavy at times. Tonight and tomorrow morning it is supposed to rain a lot, then be nicer in the afternoon. I sure hope so, because we are scheduled to do a sunset drive up to the top of Cadillac Mountain in the park (tallest mountain on the Atlantic coast north of Brazil). Then on Monday we drive up Cadillac Mountain at sunrise.

Mary took a bunch of pictures again. Click the picture below to see our pics from today.

Day 12 - September 24, 2021
Littleton, NH to Augusta, ME

167 miles

Entered Maine today. So only 3 states left.

Did similar to yesterday. Took a 119 mile drive and turned it into 167 miles by taking the backroads.

Pretty crappy weather today, which is reflected in some of the photos. Had some pretty heavy rain at times. Was pretty light by the time we got to Augusta. Click on the picture below for a link to our pictures from today.

No new license plates today.

Mary and I joined in on the TAC Friday Night Live Virtual Open Mic tonight. Boy are there some talented folks in that group.

Day 11 - September 23, 2021
White River Junction, VT to Littleton, NH

193 miles

Entered New Hampshire today. So only 4 states left of 50 (Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.

We have now counted license plates from 46 states on this trip, so 4 of those left also (Delaware, Hawaii, Nebraska, and West Virginia). I think we'll just have one left when we get back to Redding.

Short day today. Only staying 77 miles from where we stayed last night. So we decided to drive some of the scenic highways of some of the New Hampshire Scenic Byways. Turned into 193 miles. Early day to the hotel today.

I didn't take any pictures today, but Mary did. Click the picture below to see them.

Day 10 - September 22, 2021
Clifton Park, NY to White River Junction, VT

304 miles

We are up to 38 US state plates and one Canadian province (who let those people out of their country anyway?)

Crossed over into Vermont today.

We drove up to Burlington VT for lunch.Had rain on the way. Here are some pictures from Burlington. Mary is taking a lot of pictures on this trip, Click here for my SmugMug page that includes mine and hers.

Then drove through Stowe, VT and took a fun and somewhat twisty route to White River Junction. Drove through Montpelier and took some pictures of the State Capitol.

We have been mostly staying ahead of the rain for the last week or so, but you can only run so far east. Rained on us a couple times today.

Day 9 - September 21, 2021
Buffalo, NY to Clifton Park, NY

360 miles

A couple more state license plates today.

Headed to Niagara Falls to check it out in the daylight.
Click on the picture below for a link to some photos on my SmugMug page

Drove down to Ithaca in the Finger Lakes Region, had lunch and cruised through Cornell University.

Day 8 - September 20, 2021
Wauseon, OH to Buffalo, NY

Two more state license plates today (one was Alaska!) and a Canadian province.

Stopped and took a picture near Cuyahoga Valley National Park at M.D. Garage. We took a picture here of the car 5 years ago on Mini Takes the States.

Crossed over into Pennsylvania and New York (I guess NY doesn't welcome you on Google Maps).

We checked out Niagara Falls at night. They light up the falls (US side) at night now and it looks pretty cool. We are going back there tomorrow in the daylight.
Click on the picture below for a link to some photos on my SmugMug page

Day 7 - September 19, 2021
Green Bay, WI to Wauseon, OH

450 miles

Added a couple more license plates today, total = 36

Stopped in Chicago area to visit with Denny and Kim S., and play some music. We had a great time! And that TR6 behind them is in pristine condition, wow! I'm starting to remember to take pictures before we leave.

Drove through Illinois, Indiana, and into Ohio.

Ohio didn't show up.

Day 6 - September 18, 2021
Minneapolis, MN to Green Bay, WI

302 miles

34 state license plates, so just one today. Guess we need to get to some more touristy places.

We had a wonderful visit and breakfast with Mary's former roommate from college, Kristie and her husband Randy and brother Sam in St. Paul.

Then had a great visit and music in Green Bay with Steve and Sue P. and Dave Bradley. Somehow I keep forgetting to take pictures of the TAC folks. Anyway, here's me and Dave.

And onother state entry.

Day 5 - September 17, 2021
Bismarck, ND to Minneapolis, MN

457 miles
Now we have 33 state license plates. Just picked up one today.
(and for the record these are one's we've seen, we are not stealing license plates. Don't want to make them.

Highlights today:

World's largest buffalo

Mary's big highlight was visiting the wood chipper from the movie Fargo, in Fargo

Saw this cool old truck. My dad started driving truck in 1946. This was a 1948.

Entered into Minnesota today

Navigated an interchange like the one planned for South Bonnyview at I-5

Cool brick mural at a rest stop in ND

But the best part of today was the 2.5 hours we spent chatting and playing music with Brian Santos (guitar buddy from Tony's Acoustic Challenge). Finally meeting in person was awesome! Of course I forgot to take a picture to capture the moment. Oh well, next time.

Day 4 - September 16, 2021
Billings, MT to Bismarck, ND

Now up to 32 state license plates

Took a bunch of pictures today. Here's the giant creepy crawly baby near Miles City, MT:

Crossed over into North Dakota today

Took a bunch of pictures in Theodore Roosevelt National Park. Here are a few. For the rest click here

Somebody wrote a book to help identify the animals I take pictures of

Not taking this exit

Included in the pictures link above is a pretty cool memorial that a man created for his dad in Mandan, ND. It's metal silhouttes on a ridge of a cattle drive. Read about it here

Day 3 - September 15, 2021
Idaho Falls, ID to Billings, MT

339 miles

We got up to 27 state license plates.

Stopped in Bozeman for lunch and to visit my Great-Grandparents' gravesite.

Nice spot to rest

While we were driving through town on our way to have lunch, I spotted Music Villa (a music store I had heard about in Bozeman). So we stopped in and they had the guitar I have been wanting to buy for a while now. It's a Martin 000-15-M, all mahogony.

Some pictures Mary took:

Finally saw trees

We've seen the other side of these (Tetons)

Drove into a couple more states today:

Yes, we were in Wyoming for 6 minutes.

Mary is doing some of her water color homework tonight.

Day 2 - September 14, 2021
Winnemucca, NV to Idaho Falls, ID

445 miles

Happy Birthday to me!

Did a lot of this today:

Made it to Idaho

Started tracking license plates from different states. Got up to 20 today.

Day 1 - September 13, 2021
Redding, CA to Winnemucca, NV

389 miles

We left home about 10:37 am, much later than our original plan. We went down 99 to 70 and across 20 to I-80 since 44 was closed and 36 had delays due to fire damage repair.

We stopped in Chico for lunch at Great Harvest Bread Co. Lew caught us coming off the freeway in Chico, you just can't hide. At least we weren't stopping at the strip club north of Chico.

Gassed up in Reno. Arrrived in Winnemucca about 6:00 pm, so not a bad day.

Pretty uneventful day otherwise. Weather was good. Left most of the smoke behind.

Updated 8 February 2025