Some Favorite Lyrics
How'd you like to die in the house of mirrors with nobody around to close your eyes - John Prine

Momma married money, and Daddy by mistake - Danny Schmidt

I could see this topless lady had something up her sleeve - John Prine

The cuckoo clock has died of shock and the windows feel no pain, the air is as still as the throttle on a funeral train - John Prine

Rosalie's Good Eats Cafe - the Poem
Poem by Shel Silverstein
(We do the song, which is about a fifth of the poem)

Some Favorite Quotes
"Find someone to sit with", Povel Wallander 2008

"Retirement is wasted on old people" - Mary Randall 2024

Who Bought Last (since I can't seem to remember)
1/20/25 - Breakfast at Leporini's home

Updated 8 February 2025